Which body-mind type are you? Are you a Vata, pitta or Kapha? We are all a combination of these 3 doshas and their 20 qualities. Vata dosha is one of the Ayurvedic body types associated with air & space. So you might be predominantly Vata but still some Pitta and Kapha qualities. Your unique combination that comes from birth is called Prakriti and it never changes. However your current condition and constitution might be different in from that and this deviation or imbalance is called Vrakriti.
There is no good or bad dosha, there is the original one and with nutrition and lifestyle choices we try to keep that nature cause that’s where we feel our best. So raise your hand below in the comments, if you recognize yourself in the qualities of Vata, the dosha of air!
Me? I am a combination of Vata and Pitta and a little bit of Kapha. So I have many of these qualities in my life. Are you like me?