I am moving into an exciting new phase in my coaching and yoga teaching career!
I have been searching for a program that combines both yoga and healthy eating for sometime…and I finally think I have found a solution!
After experimenting with many different kinds of diets over the past year or so such as keto, paleo, vegan – I have come to the conclusion, by listening to my heart and soul – that rather than imposing any kind of restrictions on food, the only sustainable long term solution is practicing mindful eating.

I have done a lot of research, and the feedback I have received from clients and friends, is that they struggle to keep up with their wellness goals, especially after a period of dieting. And one of the biggest challenges is emotional eating, whether you are a busy mother or a student…we ALL struggle at times and food can be a major source of comfort!
The founder of the ‘mindful eating program’, Michelle May, explains in detail about the difference types of eaters, the Over Eaters, the Restrictive Eaters and the Instinctive Eaters.
After my trials and experimenting with different types of diets – I unfortunately found myself to be nearer the restrictive eater category! However, the good news is, I now know myself much better and have an understanding on how I lost touch with my inner wisdom concerning hunger and fullness.
The philosophy of mindful eating is actually quite simple – we just ask ourselves ‘Am I Hungry?’ – then we work out the why – where – when – how – and what to eat and spend less energy on food and concentrate on more important things in our lives.
When we start any kind of diet we blindly follow the rules and ignore our body’s signals. Much in the same way as when we overeat, we lose touch with our body’s wisdom and keep on eating till we feel sick! In both cases, we have lost the connection and are not being mindful of what we are eating!!
Mindful Eating is about being in charge and living a vibrant life – rather then being in control. It is about finding pleasure in our food and saving our energy for other much more important areas of our lives and no more unrealistic punishing diets!
Pausing, analyzing and understanding the reasons behind our triggers, our emotions and physical sensations, we can develop simple strategies to cope with them so that we do not over or under eat but just eat the right amount to fuel our body.
This program will change your eating habits for life by working on your thoughts and feelings. By changing your actions you will reach the desired results – and most importantly – NO MORE DIETING!
At the end of this program, I will offer one-2-one coaching for Mindful Eating and also start a group program on Mindful Eating with Yoga Workshops. We will re-learn to trust our inner body wisdom, breaking the cycle of yo-yo dieting and start leading a vibrant-active-healthier life and learn to live happily alongside food.
I have integrated some new learning’s on mindful eating in to the program at my retreat in (15th – 17th June) where you can learn, practice and start living and eating mindfully.
Watch out for new retreats this coming autumn, so stay tuned by registering to my newsletter in order not to miss out!